Life in the valleys

4:23 PM 0 Comments

Life in the valley
There are no roads here, only alleys
Where the shadows dwell
The shadows of what might have been
Every day is cloudy
Where the light can scarce be seen
And the rain will wash away
Everything the people feel
Until their eyes are soaked
But emotions run dry
No one leaves their home here
Demons haunt the yards
And stalk them as they sleep
Vampires that will drain the people dry
Regret and Nostalgia they call them here
And there is no one there to help

Surrounding the valley are mountains,
High as the sun that no one can see
Vast as the ocean where the people are drowning
And on the mountaintop, the people are bathed in light
It’s a Bohemian dream
Where everything and nothing is exactly how it seems
Everyone is a slave to creativity
There are children running and playing
With enough energy to power an electronics store
Everything and everyone is connected here
There is never any fear
And looking down there are only clouds
No worries because everything makes sense

but the dread in your stomach
Hope is a 4 letter word here
Until the inevitable fall
Back down to the valley
Where there are no roads, only darkened alleys.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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