Ten Things I Know to Be True

11:15 AM 0 Comments

I've never been very big on lists, but lately my mind has been a bit stuck in the field of creative writing. Speaking of abrupt segues, the following is a list of ten things that I know to be true.

1. I spend more time on the computer than I would like.
2. Sometimes I make fun of people because they have qualities I wish I had.
3. I can be impulsive, but not as impulsive as I make myself out to be.
4. Motivation is hard to come by, and even harder to keep.
5. If you are over 250lbs and not crazy ripped, you probably shouldn't wear any of the following: spandex, speedos, skinny jeans, and belly shirts.
6. I would rather be too cold than too hot.
7. I could live with the weather being cloudy 24/7.
8. This is the point during this list where I am stuck and have to think hard about my answers.
9. If you are an English woman with glasses who loves to read and play guitar, I may ask you to marry me.
10. Sometimes I am accidentally flirt with people, and that gets me into trouble.

I suppose those were more confessions than facts, but there they are. Enjoy. 


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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