Solitude [IRL]

5:43 PM 0 Comments

I wrote this a while ago.

Life stands still, empty
Dreams unfulfilled, searching
For the impossible?
Hide yourself, such a clever carpenter
Behind a wall of binary
Pixelate your world and you will see
A world of possibilities.
Your dreams in high resolution
Anything you want to be.
Emoti[c]on is a click away
Smile, you're on camera.
Break down the [fire]walls
You can't get to me.

Life speeds up, busy
Get out of [My]Space
Get out of my Face[book]
Sensory reality Trojan horse
Google how it smells
Don't need to feel [animated]
Life has [Digital] meaning
Inhale the fiber optics
[Down]load feeling
Up[Load] your life


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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