
2:49 PM 0 Comments

So many leaves in this department store
So much dirt on your pristine floor
I can't clean it all myself
I try to hold them in my hands
but they fall through me like sand
I wish that I could put them back on the shelf
No matter how I try to clean and
place the leaves inside of me
they just keep coming back
all muddied, charred, and black
It seems that each one's heavier than the last
You look at me expectantly
I'm helpless now I think you see
But it comforts you to have me around
and When I leave they follow me
through the hills and past the trees
I'm almost driven crazy by the sound
You know I want to stay and play
but I need to dissociate
from all the leaves that fall on this gorgeous autumn day
and sit back as they all burn away


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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