In Dreams (part 2)

8:27 PM 0 Comments

WARNING - The following story contains both physical and sexual violence. Potential trigger warning. Proceed with caution if you are easily disturbed

     The cabin was dark and no larger than a few rooms. The only sounds that could be heard for miles were the sounds of nature - crickets chirping, birds making bird noises, and a gentle stream nearby broken only by tires on gravel road. They would not be disturbed.
     He looked in the back seat as Sean was starting to move. He had been out completely for nearly 8 hours and only barely conscious before. A smile touched his lips. This was one of the moments that define a human life. What happened tonight would forever alter him and rid the world of one less monster.
     He parked the car in front of the cabin, the headlights illuminating the cabin. The rest of the world was darkness. He got out of the car and not-so-gently helped Sean out of the car, letting him fall to the ground under the weight of his own body. He laughed to himself. Who had the power now?
     Sean turned his head to the left then to the right noticing his surroundings for the first time.
     "Where am I?" he asked.
     "Nowhere," he said. "You exist now because of my will."
     He kicked Sean in the stomach to drive home the point. He had all of the power and was keen to let his captive know the hopelessness of the situation. Sean wrenched in pain under the weight of his steel toed boots.
    "Please..." he begged. "Why are you doing this?"
     He laughed aloud. "Why does anyone do anything?" Another kick to the side.
     "Mercy..." he slurred. The pills were wearing off, though his brain was still visibly foggy.
     He bent down and stared at Sean in contemplation. His eyes were filled with sorrow and confusion. He was loving everything but the glimmer of hope in the eyes of his victim. His hands reached out in the darkness and found Sean's neck. He pressed the carotid artery with his thumb, stopping the blood flow to his brain.
     "Did you show mercy when you brutally raped an innocent girl? Did you show mercy when you fucked her over and over again for three days? Where was your mercy then? I didn't show Mercy to your friend, so why should I now? Can you give me one reason?" He let up on the artery to avoid having Sean pass out. He wanted him to be awake for all of this. He wanted him to feel everything that he felt...everything that she felt.
     Tears gathered in Sean's eyes and fell to the dirt. He opened the trunk and pulled out a rope. Sean tried to get up and run but stumbled under the combined influence of the drug and the dizziness caused from the choking. He walked over to his intended and wrapped the rope around his neck. He pulled tight enough to induce fear, but not tight enough to cause a lapse in consciousness. Sean fell to the ground. He dragged him by the neck across the rocks and twigs that led to the cabin. Sean screamed and clawed at the rope.
     He screamed aloud in laughter. "No one will hear you out here."
     When they reached the door he pressed his boots to the back of Sean's neck, using it as leverage to help the rope do its will. Ten seconds is all it takes. He let up some pressure once his arms fell to the dirt.  He stopped to evaluate his handy work and smiled. His heart beat in his brain and he loved every moment of it. His blood was on fire. He had never felt more alive, which was more than he could say for his victim.


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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