
8:02 PM 0 Comments

She sits (e)motionless, rewind
She's crying for hours at a time
Every night that she tries
She puts on her face but its all just a lie
All the shit that she buys
To fill the place where she was left behind
She's cutting her ties
Just to buy her some time
Now the wood where she sits
Doesn't make her feel more alive
Of course she revives
but she's dying inside
Expel, go through hell, clean up but never tell
Every cell in her body screaming no
But theres nowhere to go but up
She tells the wolves to shut up
Tells herself to nut up
She doesn't have to put up
With the voices in her head
that tell her she's fucked up
Try to help her get up
But its like she's stuck
And I can't help but to feel sympathy
Because I've been there before
In that place of darkness
Feeling like you're heartless
But only because its tearing out of your chest
There's no rest for the wicked
Wicked rest for a sick kid
We can buy you a ticket
out of hell
Thats how it feels with this shit


Some say he’s half man half fish, others say he’s more of a seventy/thirty split. Either way he’s a fishy bastard.


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